Your One-Stop Natural TCM Solution

Eliminating your common ailments with the top-quality natural TCM products

Over the past decades, Lee Fah Trading Company has committed itself to building on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice, commonly known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), by producing its own top-quality Chinese Proprietary Medicinal (CPM) products.

Founded in 1967, Lee Fah is a family business that specializes in the sale of a variety of CPM products in the form of pills, liquid, powders, capsules and tea bags. In 1981, the Company established its own manufacturing facility and named it “Shanghai Uniflex Medical Company”. Later in 1995, it was awarded with a GMP certification from the Malaysia’s Ministry of Health.


Strengthen and tonify your body.

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Replenish vital energy in your body.

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Nourish and improve your overall health.

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Release muscle tension and provide pain relief.

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Your Trusty TCM Aide

Suffering from the cough, flu or stomach ache?
Let our trusty TCM aide guide you on the products to treat the following symptoms/issues!